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Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Blue Carbuncle

Q1. What object was kept under examination by Holmes?
A seedy, disreputable hard felt hat.
Q2. What suggested that the hat was the object of examination?
A lens and forceps kept on the chair.
Q3. How did Mr. Peterson come in possession of the goose?
Mr. Peterson the commissionaire saw a tallish man carrying a white goose slung over his shoulder. A row broke out between the stranger and a knot of roughs. Peterson rushed forward to protect the stranger from his assailants, but the man seeing an official in uniform, dropped his goose, took to his heels and vanished.
Q4. What was Holmes problem?
There were hundreds of Henry Bakers in the city. How to find the rightful owner?
Q5. What did Peterson finally do?
He brought the hat and the goose to Holmes on Christmas morning. He took back the goose while Holmes retained the hat.
Q6. Why does Holmes say that the gentleman lost his Christmas dinner?
As the goose was cooked by Peterson at his house, the gentleman lost his dinner.
Q7. How did Holmes deduce that the man was intellectual?
Holmes placed the hat on his head, it settled on the bridge of his nose. According to Holmes, a man with such a head must have a large brain and obviously something in it.
Q8. How did Holmes deduce that his fortunes had declined?
This man had been able to purchase an expensive hat about three years back which could be deduced from its quality. However if he had no hat since probably he had gone down in the world.
Q9. Why did Peterson rush into Holmes apartment dazed with astonishment?
Peterson’s wife had found a shining blue stone in the crop (throat) of the goose.
Q10. Why was this blue stone so precious?
The blue stone was the scintillating blue Carbuncle possessed by The Countess of Morcar.
Q11. What happened to the blue carbuncle?
It was lost at Hotel Cosmopolitan. John Horner, a plumber was accused of having taken it from the jewel case of the Countess. But the stone was never found from the accused or in his rooms.
Q12. Why does Holmes ask Peterson to buy another goose and give it to him?
Peterson’s family had already cooked the goose. In order to hand over one to Mr. Henry Baker, Holmes wanted Peterson to buy another goose.
Q13. Who informed James Ryder about the Blue Carbuncle?
Catherine Cussack
Q14. According to Holmes why did Ryder accuse the plumber Horner of stealing the carbuncle?
According to Holmes, Ryder knew that Horner was involved in such a theft before and hence the suspicion would easily fall on him.
Q15. What did Ryder do to escape suspicion?
He went to his sister’s house, who raised geese and thrust the stone down the throat of one white goose with a barred tail.
Q16. Why didn’t Ryder get the carbuncle after cutting the goose?
Unfortunately for Ryder there were two geese with barred tails and the goose he cut open was not the one in whose throat he had thrust the stone down.
Q17. Why didn’t Holmes turn in Ryder to the police?
Holmes believed that Ryder was too frightened to do anything wrong again and then he would be made a hardcore criminal for life if given to the police.
Q18. How does the case get complicated?
When Peterson arrives with a blue carbuncle acquired from the crop of the goose, since then the case got complicated.