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Wednesday 24 June 2015


The Lost World ch-3

Questions for ‘Interview-Professor Challenger:’

Circle the correct answer-

1.Malone is (news editor/news reporter) at the newspaper officer.
2.Malone hoped McArdle (liked/did not like) him.
3.Malone wanted to go on a (humorous/adventurous) mission for the newspaper.
4.McArdle wanted Malone to expose the (truthful/liar) Professor Challenger.
5.Professor Challenger was a famous (botanist/zoologist).
6.Professor Challenger went to (South Africa/South America) for his expedition.
7.Professor Challenger went on this expedition for (2 years/2 months).
8.Professor Challenger spoke about his adventures in a (vague/clear) manner.
9.When someone started to pick holes from what he said he shut up like (a squid/ an oyster).
10.Malone walked over to (Savare Club/ Savage Club).
11.Malone wanted to meet (Tarp Henry/Henry Tarp).
12.What was the background story line of Professor Challenger?

Some extra questions….

1.Who was McArdle? Describe him.
He was the editor of a newspaper. He was round –backed and red headed.
2.What did the narrator/Mr. Malone want from McArdle?
He wanted McArdle to send him on a mission for the paper which had adventure and danger in it.
3.What was McArdle proposal for Malone as a dangerous mission?
Interviewing and exposing the fraud Professor Challenger.
4.Where did Professor Challenger live?
Enmore Park.
5.Who was Professor Challenger?
A famous zoologist, who broke the skull of Blundell, of the Telegraph.
6.How well did Malone know Professor Challenger?
Not very well. He only remembered Professor Challenger’s name in connection with the police-court proceedings, for striking Blundell.
7.What kind of a person was Malone?
A person who loved adventures for he wanted to do something adventurous and dangerous for his newspaper. He was self motivated, as he himself approaches the news editor for a more challenging assignment. He was not someone who waited for chances to come to him.
8.What was the background story line of professor challenger?
He had gone to South America on a solitary expedition. He spoke about his adventure in a vague manner. Someone found loopholes in what he said. After that he didn’t say a word. He possessed some damaged photographs which were said to be fakes.
9.To which newspaper did Professor Challenge give an interview?
10.What was the content of the interview?
About some strange animal he had discovered.
11. What was the latest topic the Professor spoke on?
Weismann and evolution.
12.What did Malone want, at Henry’s office?
He wanted to frame a letter at Henry’s office and use his address.
13.Which lines show that Henry was careful with what communication would go out from his office?
He wanted to censor Malone’s letter before it was dispatched.
14.In the letter what does Malone question the Professor? What was Malone’s intention in writing the letter to Professor Challenger?
Whether he was not interested in modifying his previous statement after later researches have been conducted. He only wanted to get there for he wanted an opening and once there he would confront Professor Challenger into an open confession.

Only for understanding….

On pg. 7, Ned reads an article by Professor Challenger ‘Weismann versus Darwin’. Who is Darwin? What is he famous for?
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who studied variation in plants and animals during a five-year voyage around the world in the 19th century. He explained his ideas on evolution in a book called, 'On the Origin of Species', published in 1859.Darwin's ideas caused a lot of controversy, and this continues today, because they can be seen as conflicting with religious views about the creation of the world and the creatures in it. The basic idea behind the theory of evolution is that all the different species have evolved from simple life forms. These simple life forms first developed more than 3 billion years ago (the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old).

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