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Saturday 16 January 2016

Q&A of 'Where Love is, God is.....' by Leo Tolstoy




1.Who was Martin Avdeiteh? (He was a cobbler, who had plenty to do, for he worked 

very well and used good material.)

2.Why did Martin stop going to church? (Because after everyone he cared for died, 

he stopped believing in God.)

3.What kind of life did he live? (He lived a very miserable life in the sense that all 

his children and wife had died.)

4.Why did Martin keep looking out of his window that day? (Because he was waiting for the 

person whose voice he had heard the day before to come and meet him.)

 5.What was the mental state of Martin? (He was very sad and depressed. In his old age 

he had no will to live and he was hoping that soon he may die too.)

6.What advice did he get from old pilgrim? (The old man told him that he had no right to

wish for his death. He should live for God as God gives life to us and wants us to live 

for him. The way will be shown by the Christ.)

 7.How did Martin’s life change? (His whole life changed when he bought an old Testament

in large print. He read it every night and he realized how he might live for God.)

8.Why did Martin invite the woman with the baby inside? (The woman was carrying 

her baby. She was shabbily and sparsely dressed. On a very cold windy day, she did 

not have anything to wrap her baby around and the baby was crying, probably because 

of hunger. Seeing their plight Martin invited them inside)

9.What did Martin say when Stepanitch asked, are you expecting anyone?”(He said he did

not really expect anyone but he had heard something last night that he could not get

out of his mind. While reading  the Gospel he had heard someone call his name and 

whisper to him, “Expect me. I will come tomorrow”)

10. How did Martin convince the apple woman to pardon the boy? (He told her that  

God’s way is more kind. God would not want the boy to be whipped. If the boy should 

be whipped for stealing the apple, what should be done to us for our sins?”

11.What did the boy do later to the woman?(Later the boy offered to help her 

by carrying her sack for her.)

 12.Why Martin’s soul did grow glad? (The soul grew glad, when he realized that 

the people who he had helped the day before were all messengers of God. He realized that 

all the good deeds that he did the day before was in fact done for the God.)

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