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Saturday 18 April 2015



Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative and Exclamatory sentences

Give two  declarative and exclamatory sentences From pg 2 of the chapter


Declarative sentences:

 (a) I went off into the most delightful sleep.

(b) I opened my eyes, and found two men regarding me with much curiosity.

 Exclamatory sentences:

 (a) “Why, the devil’s in it! Shave him, and he’d be the King!

 (b) He’s the height, too

Identify the phrases.

(The back streets, the last remaining chief, a bank account.)

 These phrases answer which questions?

( What /Who)

 These phrases have taken the place of which part of speech?


State: Phrases which takes the place of a noun in a sentence are Noun phrases.

Identify the phrases.

(not too terribly long, smarter than me, unbelievably difficult.) These phrases

answer which questions?

( What kind/Which one’s)

 These phrases have taken the place of which part of speech?


State: Phrases which takes the place of an adjective in a sentence are adjective


Identify the phrases.

(at the mall, in the long run in the olden days.)  These phrases answer which


( When)  These phrases have taken the place of which part of speech?

 Students to be questioned and encouraged to answer.


State: Phrases which takes the place of an adverb in a sentence are adverbial


 Identify the phrases.

(to the museum today, with water, into the pool.)

 These phrases have taken the place of which part of speech?


State: Phrases which takes the place of a preposition in a sentence are

prepositional phrases.

THE BELOW Sentence 1 and 2 are made up of 2 parts.

 Which are the 2 parts?

(1st part : Tara ate the cheese roll. 2nd part: after she watched the news)

(1 st part : He failed the test six times 2nd part: Even though his mother is a

driving instructor.)

What is the difference in the 2 parts in both the sentences?

The 1st part makes complete sense on its own,WHEREAS The 2nd cannot stand on

its own.

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