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Wednesday 24 June 2015

THE LUNCHEON Questions and Answers


1.Though it was long since the narrator had seen his friend how did he recognize his friend?
By her name, when someone mentioned her.
2.Where was the narrator living twenty years ago?
In Paris, in a tiny apartment in the Latin quarter which overlooked a cemetery.
3.How did the author of the story make his money twenty years ago?
the author of the story made his money twenty years ago By writing books.
4. Why did he decide to invite the lady for luncheon?
He was flattered and he was far too young to have learned to say ‘No’ to a woman.
5.Where did the lady want to have luncheon?
At Foyot’s
6.What kind of a restaurant was Foyot?
It was an expensive restaurant which the narrator couldn’t afford. A restaurant where the French senators dined.
7.How did the narrator convince himself that he could afford to take his friend for luncheon at the Foyot’s?
He had 80 francs with him and a modest lunch would not cost him more than fifteen francs. If he cut out the coffee for two more weeks, he could manage well.
8.What all did the lady order for her luncheon?
Salmon, caviar, champagne, asparagus
9.What did the narrator order for himself?
Mutton chops
10.What did the lady talk gaily about?
She talked about art, literature and music.
11.Why did she criticize his eating habits?
As she felt that mutton chops were heavy for lunch.
12.Why did the narrator panic?
Not because he wondered whether he would have enough money to end till the end
of the month but because he wondered whether he would have enough to pay the bill.
13.What did the narrator plan to do if he didn’t have enough money to pay the bill?
He would be obliged to borrow it from his guest. However he couldn’t get himself to do that. So he would pretend that his wallet had got picked. However it would be awkward if she too didn’t have enough money to pay the bill.
14.What would be the final solution?
He would leave his watch and come back and pay later
15.Inspite of the hefty bill thoughts on the narrators mind, he orders a coffee for himself and
a coffee with ice-cream for the lady. Why?
By this time he did not care anymore
16.Did the narrator have enough money to pay the bill?
He just about managed.
17.Why did the lady call him a ‘Humorist’?

As she tells the narrator that one should not eat more than one thing for luncheon, he says that he will eat nothing for dinner that night.


The Lost World ch-3

Questions for ‘Interview-Professor Challenger:’

Circle the correct answer-

1.Malone is (news editor/news reporter) at the newspaper officer.
2.Malone hoped McArdle (liked/did not like) him.
3.Malone wanted to go on a (humorous/adventurous) mission for the newspaper.
4.McArdle wanted Malone to expose the (truthful/liar) Professor Challenger.
5.Professor Challenger was a famous (botanist/zoologist).
6.Professor Challenger went to (South Africa/South America) for his expedition.
7.Professor Challenger went on this expedition for (2 years/2 months).
8.Professor Challenger spoke about his adventures in a (vague/clear) manner.
9.When someone started to pick holes from what he said he shut up like (a squid/ an oyster).
10.Malone walked over to (Savare Club/ Savage Club).
11.Malone wanted to meet (Tarp Henry/Henry Tarp).
12.What was the background story line of Professor Challenger?

Some extra questions….

1.Who was McArdle? Describe him.
He was the editor of a newspaper. He was round –backed and red headed.
2.What did the narrator/Mr. Malone want from McArdle?
He wanted McArdle to send him on a mission for the paper which had adventure and danger in it.
3.What was McArdle proposal for Malone as a dangerous mission?
Interviewing and exposing the fraud Professor Challenger.
4.Where did Professor Challenger live?
Enmore Park.
5.Who was Professor Challenger?
A famous zoologist, who broke the skull of Blundell, of the Telegraph.
6.How well did Malone know Professor Challenger?
Not very well. He only remembered Professor Challenger’s name in connection with the police-court proceedings, for striking Blundell.
7.What kind of a person was Malone?
A person who loved adventures for he wanted to do something adventurous and dangerous for his newspaper. He was self motivated, as he himself approaches the news editor for a more challenging assignment. He was not someone who waited for chances to come to him.
8.What was the background story line of professor challenger?
He had gone to South America on a solitary expedition. He spoke about his adventure in a vague manner. Someone found loopholes in what he said. After that he didn’t say a word. He possessed some damaged photographs which were said to be fakes.
9.To which newspaper did Professor Challenge give an interview?
10.What was the content of the interview?
About some strange animal he had discovered.
11. What was the latest topic the Professor spoke on?
Weismann and evolution.
12.What did Malone want, at Henry’s office?
He wanted to frame a letter at Henry’s office and use his address.
13.Which lines show that Henry was careful with what communication would go out from his office?
He wanted to censor Malone’s letter before it was dispatched.
14.In the letter what does Malone question the Professor? What was Malone’s intention in writing the letter to Professor Challenger?
Whether he was not interested in modifying his previous statement after later researches have been conducted. He only wanted to get there for he wanted an opening and once there he would confront Professor Challenger into an open confession.

Only for understanding….

On pg. 7, Ned reads an article by Professor Challenger ‘Weismann versus Darwin’. Who is Darwin? What is he famous for?
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who studied variation in plants and animals during a five-year voyage around the world in the 19th century. He explained his ideas on evolution in a book called, 'On the Origin of Species', published in 1859.Darwin's ideas caused a lot of controversy, and this continues today, because they can be seen as conflicting with religious views about the creation of the world and the creatures in it. The basic idea behind the theory of evolution is that all the different species have evolved from simple life forms. These simple life forms first developed more than 3 billion years ago (the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old).

Sunday 14 June 2015

English Holiday Homework

Holiday Homework (2015-16)
Class: VIII                                                                                        Subject: English
Name: _________________________________                               Roll: _______



Many people love the beach and others love the mountains for a vacation.  Which do you like better; the beach or the mountains?  Even if you have never been to either, you have seen pictures.  Choose one—either a beach or the mountains.  What does the place look like?  Does the place have a feel to it?  What smells are there?  What sounds do you hear?  Describe your beach or mountains so that your reader can picture the scene you see in your mind.

You are Manish/Manisha, a resident of D-34, Ras Vihar, Dwarka, New Delhi. Open garbage containers have become the source of a mosquito menace for the residents of your society. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner complaining about this problem. Don’t exceed 150 words.


Unseen Comprehension

Trees show the variation in seasons and nature’s most colourful show put up especially during the fall. The changing colours of autumn signal that the trees are getting ready for winter. Throughout the spring and summer most of the food necessary of the trees to grow are made in the leaves.  The food making process takes place in the cells containing chlorophyll which gives leaves their green colour.
Due to the shorter period of daylight and the cooler temperatures, the leaves stop making food. The chlorophyll breaks down and the green colour disappears and yellow and orange previously marked by the green appear. The vibrant reds, purple and bronzes come from other chemical processes. The brilliant red of maple has a ‘sweet’ side.
In the warmth of the fall days, sugar is produced in the leaves and then trapped by the night’s chill. The more sugar it accumulates, the brighter the leaves turn.
The degree of odour varies from tree to tree. Leaves directly exposed to the sun may turn red, while those on the shady side of the same tree may be yellow. Colour also varies depending on the combination of weather conditions. When autumn is warm, leaves may have less colouration.

Tick the correct option:

The changing colours of autumn symbolize ___________________.
   i.            nature’s beauty
 ii.            the end of spring
iii.            the middle of summer
iv.            the advent of winter

The leaves stop making food when ______________.
   i.            the temperature is low
 ii.            the humidity is high
iii.            the weather is cloudy
iv.            the weather is dusty

Leaves exposed to the direct sunlight are generally ________________.
   i.            red in colour
 ii.            brown in colour
iii.            yellow in colour
iv.            green in colour

Complete the statements.

The food making process takes place in the cells containing ……………

The yellow and orange colours appear on the leaves when …………..


Do as Directed:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:
There is a bridge _______________ the river.

Combine the sentences:
We all respect him. He is an honest man. 

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets:
It ______________ in the mountains tomorrow evening. (snow)

Rewrite the following in indirect speech:
My mother told me, "Your grandmother will be arriving in Singapore tomorrow."

Change the voice of the following sentences:
The firemen took the injured to the hospital.


Saturday 13 June 2015

Q & A of An arrow and the song

Words once spoken can never be taken back. Hence it becomes absolutely esential that one should always think and speak . Many a times we hurt our near and dear one’s unknowingly by our harsh words.
 “I shot an arrow ........................... in its flight.”
1.What action does the poet perform?
He shoots an arrow into the air.
2.What happens to the arrow?
The arrow flies away swiftly.
 3.Is the poet able to locate the arrow? Why?
No,he can not. As the sight could not follow the arrow in its flight.
“Long, long afterward.........heart of a friend..(pg 24)  Teacher to encourage students to answer.  Teacher to ask:
4.Where did the poet find the arrow? In what condition?
In an oak. It was not broken.
 5.Is the poet able to locate the song? Why?
No. For no one has sight so keen and strong to locate a song.
“I breathed a song.........flight of song?”
6.Now what action does the poet perform?
He sings a song into the air.
7.Is the poet able to locate the song? Why?
No. For no one has sight so keen and strong to locate a song.
8.What do you think the arrow indicates?
The harsh words that are spoken by a person.
9.What do you think the song indicates?
The soft words spoken by a person.
10.Do we care how our harsh words and actions affect others?
Do people remember these words and actions of ours?
11.How the poet brings in the symbolism of the unbroken arrow?
Here the poet wants to say that like he shot the arrow in the air, he said something harsh and cruel to someone, and didn’t realise how and where it affected someone. The poet remembers about his actions
long afterwards. As the time passes by, he finds that the cruel words that he had spoken to
someone had left an impact and was still present, fresh and undisturbed. This is how the poet brings in the symbolism of the unbroken arrow.
12.How do our good actions and sweet words affect others?
People will remember it for life. Thus the song he had sung, or the friendly and kind things that he had done were found embraced in the heart of a dear friend, even after a long time had passed away.
Words and actions let it be sweet or bitter, they always remain in with the person. Hence, a
person should always be careful of what he speaks and does, as it could leave a life-long
impact on the person, and he might not even realize the potential harm or good that he has done.