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Saturday 13 June 2015

Q & A of An arrow and the song

Words once spoken can never be taken back. Hence it becomes absolutely esential that one should always think and speak . Many a times we hurt our near and dear one’s unknowingly by our harsh words.
 “I shot an arrow ........................... in its flight.”
1.What action does the poet perform?
He shoots an arrow into the air.
2.What happens to the arrow?
The arrow flies away swiftly.
 3.Is the poet able to locate the arrow? Why?
No,he can not. As the sight could not follow the arrow in its flight.
“Long, long afterward.........heart of a friend..(pg 24)  Teacher to encourage students to answer.  Teacher to ask:
4.Where did the poet find the arrow? In what condition?
In an oak. It was not broken.
 5.Is the poet able to locate the song? Why?
No. For no one has sight so keen and strong to locate a song.
“I breathed a song.........flight of song?”
6.Now what action does the poet perform?
He sings a song into the air.
7.Is the poet able to locate the song? Why?
No. For no one has sight so keen and strong to locate a song.
8.What do you think the arrow indicates?
The harsh words that are spoken by a person.
9.What do you think the song indicates?
The soft words spoken by a person.
10.Do we care how our harsh words and actions affect others?
Do people remember these words and actions of ours?
11.How the poet brings in the symbolism of the unbroken arrow?
Here the poet wants to say that like he shot the arrow in the air, he said something harsh and cruel to someone, and didn’t realise how and where it affected someone. The poet remembers about his actions
long afterwards. As the time passes by, he finds that the cruel words that he had spoken to
someone had left an impact and was still present, fresh and undisturbed. This is how the poet brings in the symbolism of the unbroken arrow.
12.How do our good actions and sweet words affect others?
People will remember it for life. Thus the song he had sung, or the friendly and kind things that he had done were found embraced in the heart of a dear friend, even after a long time had passed away.
Words and actions let it be sweet or bitter, they always remain in with the person. Hence, a
person should always be careful of what he speaks and does, as it could leave a life-long
impact on the person, and he might not even realize the potential harm or good that he has done.

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