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Monday 28 December 2015

English Essay Writing Competetion by CBSE

Dear students, CBSE is conducting an ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION.
The interested students can submit their essays to me by 11th Jan.
I am forwarding the topics for your kind perusal.


Wednesday 23 December 2015

English ICT Presentation

Topics for English ICT Presentation

Groups are-

  1. 1-6
  2. 7-12
  3. 13-18
  4. 19-24
  5. 25-30
  6. 31-36
  7. 37-42
  8. 43-48
To be submitted by mid-January.......

Sunday 13 December 2015

Idioms and phrases

 “in the red“ : In debt
 “feeling blue” : If you feel blue, you are feeling unwell
 “ Seeing red”: anticipating trouble, danger
 give me a hand” : Help me in my problem
 “get someone’s ear” : Getting someone’s attention
 “a knee jerk reaction”: an immediate reaction made without examining causes or facts
 “under the weather” : Not feeling well
 “raining cats and dogs” : Raining very heavily
 “a cloud with a silver lining”: Hopeful situation
 “horse around” : Play around roughly with someone.
 “fish for compliments” : looking for praise
 “in the doghouse”: In trouble
 “fed up” : unable or unwilling to put up with something
 “chew the fat”: Sit and gossip
 “go nuts”: Go mad