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Sunday 13 December 2015

Idioms and phrases

 “in the red“ : In debt
 “feeling blue” : If you feel blue, you are feeling unwell
 “ Seeing red”: anticipating trouble, danger
 give me a hand” : Help me in my problem
 “get someone’s ear” : Getting someone’s attention
 “a knee jerk reaction”: an immediate reaction made without examining causes or facts
 “under the weather” : Not feeling well
 “raining cats and dogs” : Raining very heavily
 “a cloud with a silver lining”: Hopeful situation
 “horse around” : Play around roughly with someone.
 “fish for compliments” : looking for praise
 “in the doghouse”: In trouble
 “fed up” : unable or unwilling to put up with something
 “chew the fat”: Sit and gossip
 “go nuts”: Go mad

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