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Monday 28 December 2015

English Essay Writing Competetion by CBSE

Dear students, CBSE is conducting an ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION.
The interested students can submit their essays to me by 11th Jan.
I am forwarding the topics for your kind perusal.


Wednesday 23 December 2015

English ICT Presentation

Topics for English ICT Presentation

Groups are-

  1. 1-6
  2. 7-12
  3. 13-18
  4. 19-24
  5. 25-30
  6. 31-36
  7. 37-42
  8. 43-48
To be submitted by mid-January.......

Sunday 13 December 2015

Idioms and phrases

 “in the red“ : In debt
 “feeling blue” : If you feel blue, you are feeling unwell
 “ Seeing red”: anticipating trouble, danger
 give me a hand” : Help me in my problem
 “get someone’s ear” : Getting someone’s attention
 “a knee jerk reaction”: an immediate reaction made without examining causes or facts
 “under the weather” : Not feeling well
 “raining cats and dogs” : Raining very heavily
 “a cloud with a silver lining”: Hopeful situation
 “horse around” : Play around roughly with someone.
 “fish for compliments” : looking for praise
 “in the doghouse”: In trouble
 “fed up” : unable or unwilling to put up with something
 “chew the fat”: Sit and gossip
 “go nuts”: Go mad

Saturday 31 October 2015

The Flying Sikh

The Flying Sikh


reminisced : to recall past experiences,

flickering : to burn unsteadily

massacred:the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of humanbeings or animals,

alight: to dismount from a horse, descend from a vehicle

reassure: to restore to assurance or confidence

contemplated : to consider thoroughly; think fully or deeply about

persistent: persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement

motivated : to provide with a motive

synonymous: equivalent in meaning; expressing or implying the same idea

budding: at an early stage of development but showing promise or potential

reluctant : unwilling

content : satisfied

humility : Being humble



the brackets  and TRY TO REFRAME THE ANSWERS]**

1.Why did the person who is narrating the story of Milkha Singh become a journalist?

Because he was his role model and his struggle and rise to glory had inspired many.

2.What made Milkha Singh run fast?

(during his school days he had to run for 10 kms to reach school . He ran for his life during partition

 when his family was massacred. All this running perhaps made him a runner.

3.What motivated him to join the army? (he was becoming wayward and was getting involved in

petty crimes , when his brother suggested to him to use his skills at better place and join the army.)

4.What is the meaning of the phrase “ Burn the midnight oil” ?

( It means to work very late into the night)

5.Why did Milkha Singh have a sincere gratitude for the army?

 (because it was in the army that his talent was first noticed)

6.What was his religion and what was his inspiration?

 ( Training for running was his religion and Havaldar Gurudev Singh was his inspiration)

7.Which was his first international race?

( 1956 Melbourne Olympics)

8.How did Milkha feel after winning the Cardiff Commonwealth Race?

(He was elated, he wanted to scream and run even more.)

9.“ Do you think that Milkha Singh deserved to be called “Flying Sikh” ? What qualities of

Milkha Singh would you like to emulate.”

 ( Yes he deserved to be called Flying Sikh. We would like to learn dedication, determination, devotion,

passion, commitment, persistency , hard work and a  never say die attitude from Milkha Singh.

10.What is a success mantra for any athlete?

His success mantra for any athlete is to take no short cuts in life for any achievements.

11.What worries Milkha Singh and what is he ashamed of?

 (He is worried by the way athletes take performance enhancing drugs and he is ashamed of the young athletes

who do so.)

12.Who gave him the title of Flying Sikh and when?

(General Ayub of Pakistan gave him this title when he beat a Pakistani athlete Abdul Khaliq in a race

 that was witnessed by 60000 spectators)

13.“ Why did Milkha Singh’s victory came as a surprise at Cardiff common wealth games?

( A young boy from an Indian village who ran bare foot competing with world class athletes and defeating them came as a surprise to most people)

Groups for Lost World presentation

Groups for Lost World presentation

Sunday 18 October 2015

Lost world ch 8, the man he killed, the tempest






Word galaxy:

Hospitable: Treating guests warmly

Fazenda: A Brazilian Farm

Reveal: To make known

Sketch: a brief description

Concealed: hidden

Fraud: Cheating

Antithesis: opposite, Contrast

Tremendous: great n size, amount, intensity

Unfolds: Open out, to reveal

Inscribed: to mark, to print

Precisely: Exactly, definitely

Gasps: a sudden short intake of breath

Imposter: A person who practices deception

Distinctive: having a special quality

Intended: meant

Expedition: An adventure journey

Land of Unknown: An unexplored land

Take into confidence: Trusting

Vague: Not clear

Who were Zambo, Manuel and Gomez?

They were natives enrolled by Melone for

expedition .Zambo a gigantic negro, a dark skinned Hercules. Manuel and

Gomex were half breeds who have spent most of their life in the Amazon.

 Why Summerlee called Prof Challenger an imposter?

 Because the envelope that he gave contained nothing but a blank paper.

 What was the mode of transportation?

 They travelled by a launch hired by Lord Raxton.

Who wanted to command the expedition?

(Professor Challenger)

What was Esmeralda?

( It was the launch by which they travelled up the river.)

 What was the condition of the weather and river?

( It was dry season and river was in a normal

condition. Temperature ranged between seventy five to ninety degree.)



1What is the setting of the poem? ( The poem is written after the Boer War)

2 What is narrator’s mood? ( Narrator feels sad about the futility of the war)

 3Do you think Narrator is regretting his action? (No, he is not regretting.

He is justifying his act of killing by saying that in a war scenario, people

 kill each other.)

4Explain the lines:But raged as Infantry:

Right many a nipperkin:

Tha’s clear enough although:

Ans) Right many a nipperkin: Poet and the dead soldier that he apparently killed will

 drink many a jars of beer and other liquor like friends in a country inn.

But ranged as infantry: Fighting as a foot soldier for an army unit.

 That’s clear enough although: It is clear that he shot the soldier dead only because

he was his enemy but ‘although’ denotes that narrator is not very sure of his action .

What are the two things the speaker would have done for the man had they not been

at the war? (He would have lend him half a crown and he would have bought him

beer or drinks)

Do you think the man killed was really a speaker’s foe? Why? And Why Not? (He was

just another soldier like speaker perhaps listed for the same reason just to find


What is the theme of the poem? (War is futile/useless/ meaningless)

What are the rhymimg words? Inn-Nipperkin, face -place, i –why, down- crown, foe - although)

What is the structure? Poem has five stanzas.

What is the form? ( It is a lyric poem)

What is the style? I It is confessional poem by the poet)

What is the titile of the poem? ( The Man He killed)

 Is the title obvious? ( Yes, The title of the poem is perfectly okay , it’s about a soldier

 being killed in the war)

 Is there a tautology in the poem? ( Yes By some old ancient inn)

 Is there an inversion in the poem? ( Yes,Just so my foe of course he was)

Are opening and closing lines of poem significant?( Yes, Opening lines tell how poet

noticed her mother hiding her hands from fair lady...This became the basis of the poem

is talling about the meeting in an different situation)

Is there a clear passage of time mentioned in the poem? ( Yes the poem is at the time

of Boer war)

Who is the speaker( narrator is a soldier himself)

 Is the poem a fantasy or a reality? ( A reality)

What is the mood of the poem? Is it mysterious, festive, provocative or

thoughtful, ironic? ( it is more thoughtful as well as ironic)

What is the theme? ( The war is futile and pointless)

 What is the rhythm of the poem? ( it is conversational and confessional)




(**here PROSPERO is the duke of Milan and Miranda’s

biological father**)


Pitch: dark, tenacious, and viscous substances

douse: to extinguish

contained: to have

swallowed up:to take in so as to envelop

merely :only

humble: modest, low in status

befell: to happen

evil: immoral, wicked

deed: act

distress: great pain, anxiety

treacherous: deceptive, untrustworthy

liberal arts: humanities and social science realted subjects

ambitious : having lofty aims in life

furthering: advancing

Overruling: to rule against


1 Who caused the shipwreck and how? ( Prospero with his magic powers.)

2 What was the name of Alonso’s daughter? ( Claribel)

3  Who was Prospero in reality? (Prospero was the Duke of Milan, a powerful prince.)

 4 How did Prospero lose his kingdom?

( Prospero had abdicated day-to-day rule of his

kingdom to his brother, Antonio, as books held more attraction than duties, and he

willingly allowed his brother the opportunity to grasp control. But Antonio used his

position to undermine Prospero and to plot against him. Prospero's trust in his brother

proved unwise, when Antonio formed an alliance with the king of Naples to oust

Prospero and seize his heritage. Prospero and his daughter were placed in a small,

rickety boat and put out to sea.

5 Where is Prospero putting up with his daughter? ( on an island)

6  “We lost our power because of evil deeds, as you call them.”

a. Who said these words to whom? Why?

Prospero said these words to Miranda. He gave this as a reason for them being

without their kingdom.

7 How did Miranda and Prospero reach the island?

Having entrusted the control of his land to his brother, Prospero got engrossed in

studying liberal arts and occult books. He slowly lost control of his government. His

brother Antonio took the control of his government.

8 What kind of a person was Miranda?

Miranda was a sensitive and soft hearted person. She cared for people. She was

unable to see other people suffering. She requested her father to stop the storm as

she didn’t want any harm befalling on the people.

9 What does Miranda remember and what doesn’t she remember?

Miranda remembered that there were four or five women looking after her. She

couldn’t remember how she got to the island.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

English prepared speech

Topics and rubrics

Speak about a cultural festival or practice of significance to you that others may not know about or appreciate

How has the horse been used by man throughout history? Share your views with the class

Winning is not as important as participating. Do you also think so? Speak about it


Saturday 12 September 2015

Friday 11 September 2015

Lost World chapter 6 & 7


taken aback : surprised

 kicked off : started

 made their way: came or walked

 doubts to rest : answering questions and clearing doubts

good humored : good natured, laughingly, lightly

bird’s eye view : an overall or cursory view of things

transpired: taken place

 convince : to move by argument

interrupted : stopped in between a task

spring out : moving and acting suddenly

plucking at : pulling at

 fate was sealed: decide what will become of one

 unprejudiced: unbiased, impartial

 investigation : detail and careful examination, an enquiry for ascertaining facts

 expedition : an excursion, journey or voyage

 spare me time : take out some time

 rival : opponent

 hardened : seasoned

 assuming : taking for granted

 skepticism : having doubt or unbelief in religion and things

EXTRA questions

1.What was the mood of the crowd at the lecture hall?

The audience was good humored and mischievous at the same time.

 2.Who received the loudest cheer from the audience?

Professor Challenger.

3.How did Mr Waldron conclude his lecture?

He said that the dinosaurs were extinct long before long before the first

appearance of mankind on this planet.

4.Who objected to this and why?

Professor Challenger objected because he

thought that such an idea was just an assumption on the part of Mr Waldron .

5.Who was Professor Summerlee, what did he say?

He was a professor of comparative anatomy , he agreed to be a part of the

committee that ProfessorChallenger suggested .

6.What kind of a person was Malone?

As we all know that he was driven by his lady love Gladys , who wanted him to be

someone who was adventurous and and took risks. Since he wanted to please her he

was trying to be the same person and was determined to achieve what he wanted in

life. In this lesson we also come to know that he was an opportunist. He did not want

to let go of the opportunity, that had come his way.

name the characters that are important in this part of the story ?

Lord John Raxton ,Professor Challenger, Mr Summerlee, Tarp Henry and The narrator -Mr


7.What did Mr Melone do at the conference hall?

He volunteered to go on an expedition.

8.Who is Lord John Raxton?

He is another volunteer to go on the expedition. He claimed that he had already

 been to Amazon Forests and is familiar with the jungle.

9.Name the three people who were selected to go on an expedition.

Professor Summerlee, Lord Raxton and Duncan Melone.

10.How would you describe the house of Lord Raxton?

The house had rich furs, strange mats were scattered all over the floor.

 There were rare pictures and painting on the walls .

11.Upon meeting Malone, what did Lord Roxton do?

 he wanted to find out if Melone was brave enough to go on a dangerous expedition or not?

12.What stigma was attached to Melone?

 That he was a coward.

 13.Was Melone really brave or he pretended to be brave?

He pretended to be Brave.

14.Which phrase made you think of this: Although the drunk gave me jitters ,

 I rose from my chair  and  said to Lord Roxton.

 People don’t like to have me ( stigma) .

15. How would you describe Lord Roxton after reading about him so far?

 He was a man who was adventurous by nature. He wanted to explore things

and was interested in finding about wonderful things that existed on planet


16.What did Melone explain to McArdle?

That Melone should write full accounts of his adventures, in letters to Mc Ardle.

 17.What happened when the team tried to contact Professor Challenger?

 They made three attempts but all their attempts were futile.

 18.What did he do?

At first he abused the press, then he did not give any response

at all, and finally only a sound was heard from his side that sounded like his phone

receiver crashed.

19.What message did Professor Challenger give all of them?

 he gave them a sealed envelope with his directions and guidance, told them to

 open it only when they reached Manaos , a town located in the Amazon.

20. Contrast the characteristics  of Lord Roxton and Professor Summerlee.

Roxton: brisk walk, beaming face, eager

Summerlee: dejected, melonchaly figure, dragging steps, drooping head

Both : Interested in learning about wonderful mysteries of the Earth.

Natural Forces Q & A

L- 16

Q.1. Name the following:
1. Other name of indirect charging method.
2. The process of transferring of charge from a charged body to the earth.
3. SI unit of electric charge.
4. The mutual push between the two bodies (not in contact with one another) away from one another.
5. The branch of science which deals with the study of earthquakes.
6. A body which does not have electric charge.
7. The device which works on transfer of charges.
8. A metallic conductor fixed on tall buildings, such that it conducts the atmospheric electricity into the earth.
9. The place and intensity of earthquake where recently it had occurred (2015).
10. Ordering or placing of different materials having affinity for electrons in a series.

Q.2 .Fill in the blanks: 
1.  An ebonite rod acquires a ………………charge when rubbed with a cat’s skin.
2. Opposite charges …………… each other.
3………………..measures and records the intensity of seismic waves.
4. The point on surface of earth where a seismic wave originates is called……..
5. Lightning …………..protects high buildings from the damage caused by lightning.
6. ……………………….is the innermost layer of earth.
7. ……………is the device used in detecting electric charges.
8. Lightning helps in ………..cycle occurring in nature.
9. Glass rod acquires……………charge when rubbed with silk cloth.
10. ………………is the method in which charging is done with touching the charged body to the object that has to be charged.

Q.3. Give reasons:
1. One should not take shelter under a tall tree during lightning.
2. Why lightning conductors are used?
3. Why lightning is often accompanied by thunder?
4. Why do we often feel electric shock on opening the door of our car / house or when we take off our sweaters at night.
5. Why is it dangerous to carry an umbrella during a thunderstorm?
6. Why tall buildings are mostly struck upon by lightning?

Tissues: Cells in Unison Q & A

(LESSON – 3)

Q.1. Name the following:
1Meristem located at root and shoot apex.
2. Supporting cells for neurons.
3. Two proteins of muscle cells.
4. An avascular tissue.
5. Animals which lack presence of tissues and organ systems
6. Cells which do not undergo replacement or repair in human body after birth.
7. A protective tissue in plants which is dead.
8. Tissue which forms endoskeleton of the body.
9.  A living conductive tissue in plants.
10. Meristems found at the base of internodes.

Q.2. Fill in the blanks:
1. ……… the unit of nervous tissue.
2. ………..carry messages towards cell.
3. Connective tissue with fluid matrix is …………….
4. Tissue that forms inner lining of mouth is ………………
5. ……connects muscles to bones.
6. ……………muscle control movement of urinary bladder, uterus.
7………… the gelatinous layer on which rests epithelial cells.
8. …………… an aggregation of cells that are similar in structure, functions or both.
9…………..are the tissues that stores fats.
10. Tissues that secrete number of important substances like hormones and enzymes………………….

Q.3. Give reasons:
1. Skeletal muscle is called as striated muscle.
2. Cardiac muscles are called as involuntary muscles.
3. Sclerenchyma cells are dead.
4. Muscles have the property to contract.
5. What is the need for cells and tissues specialisation?

Subject Verb Agreement

Reporting Verbs