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Saturday 31 October 2015

The Flying Sikh

The Flying Sikh


reminisced : to recall past experiences,

flickering : to burn unsteadily

massacred:the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of humanbeings or animals,

alight: to dismount from a horse, descend from a vehicle

reassure: to restore to assurance or confidence

contemplated : to consider thoroughly; think fully or deeply about

persistent: persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement

motivated : to provide with a motive

synonymous: equivalent in meaning; expressing or implying the same idea

budding: at an early stage of development but showing promise or potential

reluctant : unwilling

content : satisfied

humility : Being humble



the brackets  and TRY TO REFRAME THE ANSWERS]**

1.Why did the person who is narrating the story of Milkha Singh become a journalist?

Because he was his role model and his struggle and rise to glory had inspired many.

2.What made Milkha Singh run fast?

(during his school days he had to run for 10 kms to reach school . He ran for his life during partition

 when his family was massacred. All this running perhaps made him a runner.

3.What motivated him to join the army? (he was becoming wayward and was getting involved in

petty crimes , when his brother suggested to him to use his skills at better place and join the army.)

4.What is the meaning of the phrase “ Burn the midnight oil” ?

( It means to work very late into the night)

5.Why did Milkha Singh have a sincere gratitude for the army?

 (because it was in the army that his talent was first noticed)

6.What was his religion and what was his inspiration?

 ( Training for running was his religion and Havaldar Gurudev Singh was his inspiration)

7.Which was his first international race?

( 1956 Melbourne Olympics)

8.How did Milkha feel after winning the Cardiff Commonwealth Race?

(He was elated, he wanted to scream and run even more.)

9.“ Do you think that Milkha Singh deserved to be called “Flying Sikh” ? What qualities of

Milkha Singh would you like to emulate.”

 ( Yes he deserved to be called Flying Sikh. We would like to learn dedication, determination, devotion,

passion, commitment, persistency , hard work and a  never say die attitude from Milkha Singh.

10.What is a success mantra for any athlete?

His success mantra for any athlete is to take no short cuts in life for any achievements.

11.What worries Milkha Singh and what is he ashamed of?

 (He is worried by the way athletes take performance enhancing drugs and he is ashamed of the young athletes

who do so.)

12.Who gave him the title of Flying Sikh and when?

(General Ayub of Pakistan gave him this title when he beat a Pakistani athlete Abdul Khaliq in a race

 that was witnessed by 60000 spectators)

13.“ Why did Milkha Singh’s victory came as a surprise at Cardiff common wealth games?

( A young boy from an Indian village who ran bare foot competing with world class athletes and defeating them came as a surprise to most people)

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