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Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cell: The Building Blocks of Life

Question and Answers


Q: What is cytoplasm? How does it play an important role for cell?

Ans: Cytoplasm is a jelly like substance present between cell membrane and nucleus. It is like a factory campus where different activities take place simultaneously. This includes breaking and making of molecules that help to give energy. It deals with transport of components within and outside the cell. It contains organelles like nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus etc. It is present in plant and animal cell.

Q: What are the components of a nucleus?


• Ans: The nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the cell cytoplasm.

•  The small spherical body inside the nucleus is called nucleolus.

•  The nucleus contains thread like network called chromatin.

•  When the cell divides the chromatin forms rod like structure which are called chromosomes.

•  The chromosomes carry genes that are responsible for transfer of traits/ characteristics from parents to offsprings.

•  Nucleus is absent in matured red blood cells.

Ques: Which is the power house of the cell? How does it function?



• Mitochondria are small kidney shaped organelles found in both plant and animal cells.

• They are site of various chemical processes which lead to synthesis of energy rich molecules, which are used by the cells for doing work. Thus mitochondria are called power house of the cells.

•  Mitochondria use oxygen to generate these energy rich molecules.

•  A cell may contain one or more mitochondria


Ques: What are plastids?




• Plastids are membrane bound organelles.

•  These are found only in plant cells.

•  Plastids like chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis.

•  Some plastids also store starch, are called (amyloplasts)

 While some plastids help in synthesis of many types of molecules that are needed as cellular building blocks.

Ques: What is the other name for ribosomes?

Ans: Ribosome are also called cell’s protein factories because they help in synthesis of proteins.

Ques:  Why are vacuoles present in a cell?

Ans:  Vacuoles are like sac surrounded by a membrane. Vacuoles in general are used to store various substances as food, enzymes, and      waste for short period of time. Vacuole occupy between 30% to 90% of the total cell volume.

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