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Monday 24 August 2015

Madame Cama


Extra questions:

1.What was the occasion in which Madame Cama spoke the words mentioned in the beginning of the lesson?

It was the International Socialist Conference

2.Where was it being held?

In Stuttgart, Germany

3.What was Madame Cama’s full name?

Her full name was Bhikaji Rustom Cama

4.Whom did she marry?

She married Rustom Cama, a rich lawyer.

5.How did the two differ in their ideologies of the British?

Rustom Cama was fond of the British and admired their culture whereas Madame Cama held different views about the British.

6.What were Madame Cama’s views about the British?

That the British kept India in poverty for their own selfish gains.

7.Why was Bhikaji sent to Britain in 1901?

In 1896 plague broke out in Bombay. Bhikaji worked very hard to save the victims.She caught the disease and was saved miraculously. She was sent for further treatment to Britain in 1901.

8.Name the two important nationalists whom Bhikaji interacted with while in Britain?

Shyamji Krishna Verma and Dadabhai Naoroji.

9.Why did the British refuse Bhikaji a return to India?

They were displeased with her revolutionary activities.

10.Under what condition were they ready to send her back to India?

Under the condition that she signed a statement declaring that she would not take part in anti-national activities.

11.Name the organisation that she started in Paris?

Paris Indian Society.

12.With whom did she start this organisation?

Singh Rewabhai Rana and Mynchershah Burjorji Godrej.

13.What are the names of her revolutionary writings?

Bande mataram and Madan’s Talwar.

14.What kind of a person do you think was Madame Cama?

Lover of independence, craved for independent India, strong willed, indomitable spirit, not ready to bow down even to a superior power hence maintained her own individuality, had the courage to go against her husband’s views at a time when women held a secondary position to man in society.

Through which place in India were these writing smuggled into India?

Pondicherry-a French colony.

Apart from fighting for India’s independence, what else did Bhikaji Cama support?

Gender equality.

Who influenced her in this?

Christabel Pankhurst and the Suffragette movement.

Till when did Madame Cama stay in exile in Europe?

Till 1935

What are the ways in which she has been honoured?

A stamp was issued to honour her memory, A patrol vessel of the Indian Coast Guard in 1997, was called ICGS Bhikaji Cama, Many streets in India are named after her.

What prestigious title has been conferred upon her?

Mother of the Indian revolution

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