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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Computer Integrated Project

Integrated Project_Computers
Std: VIII                                         Topic: Buying a Car:Take your happiness on a long ride’
                                                                                      - Drive your dream through technology.

Objective: The student will be able to
·         use drawing, painting and selection tools in GIMP to design a logo
·         superimpose the logo on an image using the concept of layers in GIMP
·         learn to modify or customize an image in GIMP

Software used: GIMP 2.8

Preparation prior to session:
·         Ask students to search for a suitable image of a car on the internet with space for putting a logo.

Procedure to carry out the project:
1.      Save a suitable picture of a car from the internet or use the picture given. (refer Image 1) The image should be in JPEG or PNG format.
2.      Open this image in GIMP.
3.      Add a new layer above the car layer and draw your own logo for the car using the tools in GIMP. (refer Image 2)
4.      Using the concept of layers superimpose the logo on the car as shown. (refer Image 3)
5.      Use Layer resizing options as required.
6.      Give special effects to the logo layer using Layer Mode.

Assess students’ performance using the following criteria:

Use of GIMP tools for creating the logo
10 marks
Superimposing the logo on the car
5 marks
Applying special effects to the logo layer
5 marks
20 marks

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