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Wednesday 3 February 2016

Group Discussion

IA – Group Discussion Topics
 Have a group discussion on any one of the following topics:
1. Students should wear uniforms to school.
2. Because many kids need more sleep, school should start two hours later than it does now.
3. Scientists should be allowed to use animals to test new medicines.
4. Do Political Candidates Need to Be highly educated?

Have a group discussion in the class following the steps given below.

Step 1 Choose a topic.

Step 2 Ask students to form groups of five

Step 3 Appoint one student in each group to be the note taker, and give students 5-10 minutes to discuss with the other students in their group the reasons they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

Step 4 At the end of the discussion period, ask one student from each group to share with the class some of the ideas they discussed in their group.

Step 5 Provide 5-10 more minutes for students to continue their group discussions. At this point, every student in the group should be taking notes. At the end of the discussion time, each student uses those notes to write a concise paragraph stating his or her position on the issue.

(for example, I strongly agree with the statement [statement goes here] because) Students should include in their paragraphs the four strongest points supporting their position.


Ideas--                                                                                                        4 Marks
Vocabulary (Idioms and Phrases used)--                                                   2 Marks
Presentation (Voice m odulation, speaking skills and body language)--  4 Marks

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